Soft Washing

At Allstar, our specialized process offers superior cleaning and sanitization.

As a property owner or manager, you’re tasked with keeping your investment or that of your client’s in good condition to extend its life and preserve its value. You also want to present an inviting appearance for those who occupy or enter your property. Regular exterior maintenance is an essential part of achieving that.

Nothing detracts from a property’s appearance or creates an unappealing welcome more than a grimy exterior. Mold, algae, moss and lichen can grow on roofs, siding, decks and other vulnerable exterior surfaces, making them not only unsightly but unhealthy. When left unaddressed, these contaminants will do much more than negatively impact your reputation. They will cause stained surfaces, deterioration, and damage to underlying materials … not to mention costly remediation, repair and possible replacement.

While pressure washing is appropriate for certain outdoor cleaning, it can cause more harm than good to some exterior surfaces – stripping paint, blasting window seals, pushing water behind siding or under roofs, and even voiding a roof’s warranty.

This is why the professionally trained and fully insured technicians at Allstar utilize a unique soft wash method specifically designed to be gentle, safe and highly effective. Our process uses low pressure and eco-friendly products to …

  • Clean and sanitize: Roofs, siding, decks, fencing, gutters, awnings, outdoor furniture, playgrounds and more
  • Create a healthy environment: By destroying allergens and irritants
  • Deliver a longer-lasting clean: By killing the actual plant spores for a clean that lasts 2-3 times longer than other methods
  • Preserve your or your client’s investment: Extending the life of this valuable asset
  • Help ensure a positive initial impression: With a brilliantly clean exterior

We know that a first impression is a lasting one, so your properties or business facilities need to present in their best possible light. Regular exterior cleaning and sanitization is a wise and cost-effective investment in the long-term health and preservation of your properties – and in creating a safe and welcoming environment for all those who occupy or enter your properties.

You can feel confident in the highly skilled professionals at Allstar to deliver a brilliantly clean and sanitized exterior. Contact us today for a free estimate.

More and more insurance companies are requiring roof cleaning as a condition of continuing coverage.